The path to becoming an excellent executive
The new way to lead!


The path to becoming an excellent executive

Today's managers are faced with the challenge of managing not only a wide variety of employees, but also different corporate realities. Many managers fail in this task because conventional management concepts are inadequate or too one-sided.

Combining transactional and transformational leadership

Lead Agile is your personal development path to becoming an outstanding leader. It is the only leadership training program in which you learn to lead both transactionally and transformationally. So that you can lead successfully in a wide variety of roles, in different company situations and with different people. This not only makes you much more effective, but also gives you more freedom and sovereignty.

The optimal combination of both worlds is the key to success!

All studies have shown that transformational leadership works excellently in a self-organized environment, while transactional leadership is more effective in a highly structured, hierarchically organized environment. The question arises as to which style is "better". Should we get involved in an ideological dispute?



No ideology, but practical relevance!

We decided against ideological trench warfare and instead integrated both approaches into a new concept. This also makes sense because we found mixed forms between self-organized and hierarchical corporate structures in most of the companies we examined.

The modern manager is a coach, enabler and supervisor

The modern manager combines the roles of coach, enabler and supervisor. They integrate both classic and agile leadership elements into their management style and use the appropriate approach depending on the employees and company context:

  • With one hand, the manager leads transformationally according to agile principles by conveying meaning and creating goal-oriented framework conditions. They promote a feedback culture of learning and support shared growth. The manager acts as an inspiring coach, mentor and enabler.
  • With the other hand, the manager can also lead in a classic transactional manner by agreeing on goals, delegating tasks, making clear decisions and providing information at the appropriate level. They shape the work process and, as a traditional supervisor, ensure that goals are achieved.

Your path to becoming an excellent manager

Entwickle dich zur hoch effektiven Führungskraft und gewinne mehr Effektivität in deinem anspruchsvollen Führungsalltag. Mit dem Lead Agile Programm haben wir einen hybriden Trainingsansatz entwickelt, der auch im Bereich des modernen Lernens Maßstäbe setzt. Das Lernprogramm umfasst zwei Online Seminare, ein zweitägiges Action-Training, Guided Self-Learning und individuelles Coaching. Eine herausfordernde und inspirierende Lernreise für Führungskräfte, die danach streben, sich persönlich weiterzuentwickeln und Veränderungen in ihrem Unternehmen voranzutreiben.

Das Programm führt zum Zertifikat «Lead Agile»
Transactional leadership

Transactional leadership

Successful in a clear, efficiency-optimized environment.
Transformational leadership

Transformational leadership

Successful in an ambiguous environment of uncertainty and change.

Peakly Product 
in cooperation with LEAD Evolution
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Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions? Go ahead, let's talk together!
Questions about the content? Questions about the company program?
Do you have questions about the content? Or do you have questions about how Lead Agile can be implemented in your company? I look forward to a personal exchange with you!


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